A long time ago, in a time no one remembers anymore, there lived, in a very beautiful place that could remind you of all that is the very best of Earth, a wonderful Queen. Her name was ‘The Most Attractive One’.
The Goddess Of Happiness Part 2
Premo never did go back home to the very small town of Big Trees. Never say never—likely the circle comes around to the place where she began. But for this part of the story, her relatives were with her in India.
The Unifying Field of Love
God Apart knew he had to come here. He wanted to come here. His wife, God Apartress, kept asking him, “What is going on there?
Let The Revolution Begin
Let the revolution begin. In this day, the right to not be the ego-I, had not been won. Many of the other differences
Six Conversations
Master Marinee knew her death was imminent. Her health had been steadily declining since the fall. She told no one and no one suspected that her health was failing.
The Light is Also The Fire
Groovy Guru stood up. He looked sternly at the assembled crowd of people. I can’t stand these people, he thought
Clearing, The
Those were the days of a very good dream. Sanda was the daughter of a good simple man, kind and patient.
Play of She Is
The play had ended, the egg had dropped. Her pulling, yearning for Him had also been His play.
The Exploits
Yakaboobis and Yakataboof were the best of friends. The enjoyed each other’s company immensely. They always knew how to enjoy whatever life brought their way. Their motto was, “Nothing ever happens, so why not have fun and enjoy all this mass of nothing that appears as something?”
The Trailblazers
The place that Sudra loved the most was the trail. She walked the trail alone.
Master Bonsai
Master Bonsai always pissed on the potted trees. No one could understand why his piss didn’t kill the bonsai trees. The miniature trees always thrived under Master Bonsai’s care if you could call it that.
Sweet Corny Love Song
This just did not make sense. Not that he was overly fond of making sense but it was a humor jumping-off place, a slant of horizontal rubber bending that gravity-wise was impossible.
Yakaboobis and his best friend Yakataboof had an urge to go on a journey.
Wild West of Enlightenment Part 2
Mahoot felt the wind on her face, a gentle warming breeze; it felt like a caress. It reminded her of her sister Yahoot and how she always lightly touched her face. It was always a light swipe across her cheek.
Wild West of Enlightenment Part 3
Mahoot felt the wind on her face, a gentle warming breeze; it felt like a caress. It reminded her of her sister Yahoot and how she always lightly touched her face. It was always a light swipe across her cheek.
They were survivors. They had seen it; they had lived it all. They weren't intact but they were in contact. She knew he needed her. His photo was by her bed and his face forever posed in the same expression.
Feminists From Outer Space
Ayra didn’t have a strong sense of belonging to anyone or anywhere. She is the woman who walks forever. She once stayed in a small town for twenty years.
The Feminists From Inner Space
They say that there is nothing more dangerous than an idea that has met its time. But there was a danger to the status quo that was more powerful than an idea that met its time, and that danger was the dream that has met the power of its transmission
Grand Opening Sale
Doo Feelin's uvula juggled with exclamation. "Open the doors. I said, open the doors! Open them wide, wider! It's the grandest opening sale there ever was and there ever will be."
The Next Attraction
Sudra was impatient. Dam it, she thought. After the dust settled on her last adventure – an adventure that revealed a few more pieces in the big puzzle picture of her life, everything returned to a slow normalcy.
Wife Swap with Sudra
Sudra begged for something new to do; a change of pace –another way of seeing the picture.
Sudra Returns
It has been many years since Santosha last used my voice to express herself! Too long! She is an elder now, looking her age and creaking in all the right places. Fortunately, I don’t age, as I am the voice of her awareness.
God Is The F word
“Phone call, Sudra,” Jared called down from the house to the studio, hoping she would hear him and he wouldn’t have to walk down the hill and back up the hill.
Getting To The Island
Devi knew what happiness was. She lived what happiness is. She was a very lucky young woman. She knew she was a very lucky woman
Great Spiritual Debate
From close and closer the multitudes gathered to hear the Great Debate. The debate was to take place in their own backyards.
The Garden
Once a upon a time, far, far into the future...so far into the future that time has started over, a beautiful fairy full of spunk and curiosity - and excellent aerobatics - flew into a garden of immense proportions.
The Happiest of All
It was a well-kept secret even among all the happiest places—where the happiest place on Earth is. Each happy place on all the different continents on Earth felt surely they must be the happiest of all.
The Link and Spark
Freedom Rider was geared up with her hiking boots and sticks and a full tank of gas. Today was an ascension day—up the mountain road till it ended. As she ascended, Freedom Rider handled the mountain curves with a steady push
The Messenger receives the Message
There was much that she wanted to think about. There was much she needed to feel and she wanted so much to be allowed that.
The Mountain Is Calling
Everest woke up and knew she had a deep dream. A dream that would call her to action. She got up and began to put her clothes on for the day. She heard a grumble from her sister in the bed across the room.
Tap-a-tap, fingers sound on wooden table. Knees hitting together. Terry shifted his bony butt and whistled out loud. He instantly regretted it. His history teacher gave him a cold stare and continued to drone on.
The Four Directions
I have dreamed everything. I have dreamed it all. I am not saying and I am trying to make this very clear—I did not have dreams of these people (these women)—
The Garden Of Earth
Once a upon a time, far, far into the future... so far into the future that time had started over...
The Inheritance
Suya Devi was very tired of being very tired. Se knew her time was almost up. They would be coming for her.
The Journey Of Actualizing Planet X
Flat out...today is the day. I’ve got to act. Tired of deciding to decide.
The mountain called out
The mountain called out, “I am Watco, I am Watco”. It breathed spoke it’s name over and over. It had been asleep for a long, long time.
The objects in her hand
The objects in her hand were only scribbles or doodles from her imagination. They appeared to have substance, solidity but they didn’t make any cognitive sense.
Im Happy Mom
Alia was a fun-loving five-year-old girl. She was always ready to play, no matter how tired she was. One bright sunny morning Alia’s mother (whose name was Elraya) asked Alia, “Want to go to the park today?
In her Presence
Gordon put down his pen. He was weary. He had never felt this kind of tired before. Not only was his body exhausted, his mind was too tired to even wander and he felt nothing—nothing but a deep, dark impulse to disappear altogether.
Master Trickster
Yakataboof got up every day for the last week and noticed the scrawny looking coyote resting on the dirt behind a mesquite bush. He wondered why the coyote had settled into that spot not more than a hundred feet past his swelling
My Adventure Thus Far
Hi, who am I? Hi, who are you? We seem to want to ask those questions but are we really interested in the answers? What answers, what questions... What is a question mark?
Uncomplicated Fuck
She wanted to write a story about sex for fun—not romance, not for anything, no exposé on intimacy or struggling for understanding. Simple sex—not missionary sex, but sex uncomplicated by spiritual bullshit or guilt-ridden lust.
Passion Play
"Could he make such a mistake? No! No! It can't be! He is God!!!" all the women whispered. "Please don't say anything. How can you do this? You must submit to him. He alone has wisdom.
Starry Shine
There was a little girl named Starry Shine. She was a simple girl, uncomplicated, a little shy. Most of the time she felt happy and loved to play ball, run, draw, and ride her bike as fast as the wind.
She liked to notice him when he was unaware of her presence, when he doodled around with his computer or had his headphones on tapping out a beat or a chord onto the tape.
The Call
Watco, the mountain was breathing hard; panting and blowing out the dust from its’ internal walls. When a mountain is breathing this hard, the vibration can be felt within and all around.
The Dancing Flower
The dancing flower with star in hand had a universe to run, or should I say to play in. Her work was to show happiness to all living beings so they could dance as primordial joy with her.
The Day of the Beloved
Bonnie tapped Beloved’s big toe. This was her affectionate sign that the massage was over. She closed the cap on the oil bottle.
The Enduring
A couple of years after the death of Yakaboobis’s body, Yakataboof still missed his dear master and friend. They still talked via heart transmission, even engaged in philosophical debate which always ended in a nod of “love you, man”.
The Feminist
Thinny put the book down and closed her eyes. She was stopped; not another moment could occur; only this one over and over. She wasn't thinking anything, she wasn't feeling anything.
Alia's Wonderfully True Adventure
Summer was almost over and Alia had a few more days left before 5th grade would call her to attend. I wish summer would never end, she thought.
And the Truth
She had hiked this trail many times before and it had always energized her, freed her, lifted her above any problems or difficulties she was facing in her life. On this day—a cool, cloudy spring day—Marta could only feel heaviness.
Breakfast Table
"Jimmy, get down here—breakfast's ready. Do you want your eggs scrambled?
Chaos is Being
Queenie, who was in charge of chaos, could never tell if she was doing her job well or not. Was the world more chaotic than it’s ever been? Or just as chaotic?
The Club
Another story wants to be born. Always my inclination is to starve it off. Fruit fast? Water fast with squeezes of lemon?
Dance of Innocence
Looking back, she couldn't figure how the shift in her happened—what brought it about. Its meaning to her was momentous, as auspicious as the crumbling of the Berlin Wall.
Dreams, Visions & Ordinary
I’m not looking back, she thought. All he wants me for is to cook his dinner and wash his clothes. I’ve had it.
Gift, the Rumor
He is the man of understanding. She is the ordinary woman. There is only understanding of the ordinary.
Heart Whisperer of Creation
The place of happiness was always waiting for the person of happiness to arrive. This beautiful place located at the beginning of time was here from the very beginning, and no one can remember when that is.
I Found It
Alia fumbled with her double knots on her new orange and purple sneakers.
I met my master
I met my master in this moment. She has always known me and so my moment of meeting her—she says—is not the truth. She only talks in the moment of truth. I don’t understand her.
Im Happy Mom Part 2
Alia felt especially happy today. Her heart felt so joyful she couldn’t stop twirling and clapping her hands.
Early morning, a.m., seven o’clock. I’m up—not my normal pattern. Jet-lagged. Hungry at strange times, like two in the morning, wanting to sleep all afternoon . . .
Loving the unknown
Loving the unknown; loving the unknowable, a perfect love affair? No disappointment?
My Crazy Love
He drew her form every night. Magic, mystery, charcoal, pen, paper. He searched his memory for the line, the curve of her most attracting beauty.
Sacred Circle
Darshani breathed in the mountains and licked the skies of puffy white clouds. She had had a full breakfast of siddhas and was ready for the long journey—a journey without compass, map or destination.
The Screen
The most prized possession of the village was the screen. It stood fifteen feet tall and was twenty feet wide. No one could remember the screen's origin. Some people argued that it had always existed.
The link, it's still there. She wouldn't deny it, nor would I. I traveled beyond the world of perception and when I returned everything remained like it was before. I was different and that difference held a threat for her.
A New Curve
Biology - that's all it ever is. Period - that's all everything means. Is that the great fulfillment everyone is yacking about?
And Yes There will be Treachery
She was seventy years old and she was getting married (again). And to a much younger man; a man half her age. Theirs was a most peculiar arrangement and relationship.
A man floated on the back of a giant sea turtle. The sea turtle paddled towards the shore. The sea turtle breathed in with a big gasp and breathed out a big swoosh sound.
Celibacy Stress Test
You and your mate may gain greater understanding and insight into the nature of male/female power games if you and your partner play the Celibacy Stress Contest.
Crazy Factor
Emoto sat on the ledge, his feet dangling over the precipice. He hadn’t seen her for a long, long time and wondered if he would ever see her again.
He loved God. I'm in love with God! There was no hiding it, there was no reason for it. He was not insane. He was not normal with normal desires, normal needs.
He loved God. I'm in love with God! There was no hiding it, there was no reason for it. He was not insane. He was not normal with normal desires, normal needs