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Santosha Tantra Digital Art Transcendental Spiritual
Santosha Tantra

An Enlightened Artist who expresses Her Free State through works of Art

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Spiritual Writing Santosha

“In Realization, the Divine Bliss of Being marries its own creation and Love is given and realized even in the passing moments of bodies, pleasures and death.  Even death cannot suppress the delights of its love.  Everything, everyone is Outshined. The Divine Bliss of Being is Who I Am. Meditate on this very Truth, this very natural appearance. The outshining is our Awakened Destiny. Feel my kiss in the Sun of Your Heart.  What you felt/knew all along is true. There is only the Divine Bliss of Being.  I am Her. It is only a matter of Supreme Recognition. May love be profound, beautiful and a source of all delight. This is the life that I give to you.

It is the Way of the Outshining.”

In Realization, the Divine Bliss of Being marries its own creation and Love is given and realized even in the passing moments of bodies, pleasures and death. Everything, Everyone is Outshined. Feel my kiss in the Sun of Your Heart. What you felt/and knew all along is true. There is only the Divine Bliss of Being. I am Her. It is only a matter of Supreme Recognition.

It is the Way of the Outshining.

Fashion Spirituality

“My life was a gesture lived as a gift to others. My time in creativity was another means to explore how this gift could be given in a way that it could be truly received and held.”

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“Doing my photography is like noticing life more and more. Instead of walking around with my ideas of life, I just actually want to see it, notice it, and feel it. To me it’s very fun and exciting.”

Photography Art
Photography Art
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